One of the most important points when drawing a 555 "block" is maintaining a standard layout. Diagrammatic blocks on a circuit diagram are not supposed to show the pins in the same order as the legs on a chip. The wiring to the chip should be placed in positions to represent their function. The power is placed at the top, ground at he bottom, input at the left and output at the right. The other lines are also placed in appropriate positions.
The layout should be positioned to aid in the interpretation of a diagram. The end result should be to provide the maximum information and make it easy to interpret the symbol.
Many of the 555 circuit diagrams place the lines to the 555 block so you have to interpret every diagram individually. This makes reading a circuit diagram very slow.
The first thing you need to know is the function of each pin. See the animation below:
The 555 can be used for a number of applications.
It can be wired as an OSCILLATOR or a MONOSTABLE or DELAY and many different circuits can be produced with these modes of operation.